Conscious Communication Coaching Program

Have you ever felt surprised by your partner’s reactions and behavior? Have you ever felt like you must “walk on eggshells” or abandon your authenticity in order to maintain a relationship? Have you ever been upset during a conversation with a partner and unable to remain centered? Have you ever felt unsure how to respond when your partner is upset?

The Conscious Communication Coaching Program provides clients training in how to stay conscious, connected and compassionate in difficult discussions — while at the same time — remaining authentic and able to communicate in a respectful, gentle yet honest way. These are important communication skills in any relationship, but they are of profound consequence in relationships with romantic partners, family, friends and business associates.

Through analyzing your previous communication role modeling from parents and other authority figures, clients will gain an awareness of their current beliefs about interpersonal communication. These beliefs, and our current emotional state, are what generate our communication behaviors. These beliefs and our emotional state are determinative of the outcome of pivotal relationship conversations. Understanding one’s current programming allows clients to see areas of potential improvement. With your coach, you will explore communication issues in your current relationships. Your coach will also offer many different tools, tips and insights for becoming a skillful relationship communicator. These services are delivered remotely by phone or video call.

Your coach will help you:
  • explore the historic communication role modeling you received
  • identify areas of potential communication improvement
  • learn to observe and model the characteristics of the skillful communicators in your life
  • learn how to stay conscious with your own feelings and needs in a discussion
  • learn how to ask for clarity about your partner’s desires and boundaries
  • learn how to ask with confidence and clarity for your partner’s perspective, feelings and needs
  • learn how to get clarity around your own needs, perspective and boundaries
  • learn how to speak about your desires clearly and with precision, respect and compassion

If you have questions about The Conscious Communication Coaching Program please give us a call at (408) 372-8830. Below, you can book your first coaching session.