
From G., San Jose, CA, 1/30/2017, Snuggle Salon Client since Fall 2016
“Snuggle Salon changed my life! I always fully embraced the idea that deep, platonic cuddling is therapeutic, but I never truly understood the impact it would have on my well-being, until I scheduled my first session, a few months ago. Now, after a half dozen sessions, I believe I will be a lifetime client, as I feel a kind of calmness, a “grounded” feeling. And, I always know that there is a Snuggle Partner, who will open her arms to me, and re-energize me for the days to follow. Thank You Snuggle Salon!

Matthew_Hurtado From Matthew David Hurtado, Lone Rock, WI, 5/22/2016
Founder of The Snuggle House in Madison, WI
CEO, Complete Ascentials www.RNADROPS.com

“In a world of disconnected humanity, we sometimes yearn for the ability to reconnect and heal ourselves. We were babies and our parents would hold us, eradicating our anxieties. The ability to snuggle and relax our stress levels is one of the most comforting things I’ve ever experienced. It’s primitive-brain stuff… we REMEMBER the comfort and safety. Not to mention, it’s proven to release oxytocin – a hormone that makes us feel safe and loved.

I built a brand and business called The Snuggle House, in Madison Wi – an idea that quickly became famous and exploited worldwide. Duh! I didn’t make it up, humans have cuddled since the beginning of time… AND, just like you, I too wanted to reclaim my humanity and overcome the “dystopia-zombie-world” where violence is tolerated (celebrated, often) and cuddling is taboo in many circles. Have we completely forgotten our instinctual ability to create inner harmony? I haven’t, and chances are… you are dying for re-connection, too.

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So, recently I was visiting San Francisco and had the opportunity to get a session with Zoe, at Snuggle Salon. Yvonne was very insightful and helpful to arrange everything in a professional manner. I recently had some health challenges and without too many people to confide in, my anxiety level was stirring a bit. Having successfully received a great benefit in the past (cuddling) – I trusted my intuition. I set up a session and let me tell you; beyond incredible! Why did I wait so long?!

It’s amazing how something so simple can be so profound. Someone to hold your hand and listen to you, ACTUALLY being present and holding a space for healing. Wow, imagine that?! No electronic devices to distract us, just old-fashioned conversation and a shoulder to rest your head on. I suppose I should be clear; Zoe is a treasure and her heart is for serving humanity. She’s a 1-in-a-million type of person, with a “grandma’s soul” – exactly what I needed.

My late grandma raised me and my prayers for healing were answered. I trusted my intuition and set up a session, my experience was a lifetime memory I’ll never forget. Best investment ever. The effects of the calm, safety and feeling of connection lasted for days after my session. Not to mention, I can always retrieve the memory at any time – like recalling when your mom or dad comforted you in your time of distress.

Thank you, Yvonne, for providing a professional, safe, and courteous service.. and, thank you, Zoe, for being an essential component in my healing process. Everything was top-notch and I can’t say enough about the value you provided me
With love and gratitude,
Matthew David Hurtado”

— From Yvonne: Thank you so very much Matthew!! Zoe and I were very honored to serve you. We are trying to follow the path you trail-blazed for us with The Snuggle House. Thank you for your pioneering work in this business model based on love, humanity and courage. We hope to see you again soon!! Yours in service, kindness and snuggles!! heart-icon

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