• “At client’s location” travel costs
  • Mileage Costs

    Travel costs are charged at $1 per mile round-trip. You will let the client know via email, prior to the session, if additional travel costs will be involved and how much costs these will be. Using Google Maps, you should calculate the exact distance in miles from your location/home to the client’s location. Then, in the email, calculate the details of these the travel costs. Multiply ROUNDTRIP MILES x $1 = $X.00. This amount SHOULD be paid on the Travel Expenses page prior to the start of the session. Please help your client understand these travel expenses and how to use the Travel Expenses page to pay for these costs. If they are not paid using Pay Pal you will have to collect these costs from the client, in cash, prior to start of the session.

    Session Length for “at client’s location” appointments

    Additionally, we require the session length for “at client’s location” sessions to be twice the length of the travel time required. So, if it takes an hour of travel time, then the session length should be at least 2 hours or longer. Please communicate this requirement when your client contact’s you for a booking request. If your client has already booked a session with you, using the Rigid Scheduling System, and the session booked does not meet this requirement — you can ask the client to pay for extra appointment time using the Travel Expenses page link. This link can be used to BOTH pay for mileage and additional hours required by the session length to be twice the travel time for an “at client’s location” appointment.

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