Prospective Client Screening — Same-Day Appointments

Same-Day Appointments with new clients can be challenging because the client may be looking for a quick fix for their feelings. Prospective clients may book an appointment making hopeful assumptions without reading the information on the website ( note: to book an appointment a client must confirm in the booking form that they have read, understood and can happily agree with our Client Integrity Agreement ) or NOT believing us when we say that our work is clothes-on and non-sexual.

On the phone or in text exchanges with prospective clients, all we can do is give them the information they need to understand our services and help them make a good decision for themselves. We can’t mind-read a client’s intention in booking an appointment. We cannot protect you from clients who book an appointment either confused about our services or with the intention of testing your boundaries. HOWEVER, we do our very best to educate clients about the nature of our work and redirect those who we think want services we do not offer.

Additionally and importantly, we insist that you have a pre-appointment phone call ( aka the initial or “get to know you” phone call ) with all new clients to further educate the client and vet them for yourself. If, in this pre-appointment phone call or text exchanges, you discover that a client with an existing appointment has misunderstood our services and wants to breach the Client Integrity Agreement — all you need to do is let me know. We will cancel the appointment and refund the deposit.

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