Ending an Appointment for a breach of the Client Integrity Agreement

  • Ending an Appointment for breaching the Client Integrity Agreement

    Finally, as we coach you in the NTP Training, we want you to end a session with a client if you feel uncomfortable for any reason. We trust that you are doing this work because you are naturally aligned with our mission and it makes you feel good about yourself to give in this sweet, nurturing way. If you end a session with a client, you can be assured we will support your decision.

  • Boundaries Sensitivity Training Program

    If a client breaches the Client Integrity Agreement we refer them to our Boundaries Sensitivity Training Program. Rather than simply banning a client ( which will also happen ), we can also offer them an opportunity to learn and grow.
    Here is the link to learn about it: https://snugglesalon.com/boundaries-sensitivity-training-program/

  • How to refer a client to the Boundaries Sensitivity Training Program

    The protocol would be:
    1. A client crosses your personal boundaries and/or Snuggle Salon business boundaries
    2. You give them 2 warnings ( or it could be 3 — use your own judgment ) letting them know that you will end the session if they do XXX again. Be specific as to what boundary they have crossed.
    3. End the session by disengaging from the snuggle, stand up and say in a gentle, friendly but firm way “This appointment is now over. I am going to have Yvonne contact you about our Boundaries Sensitivity Training Program. I think this training could be beneficial for you. It has assisted our clients in improving and enhancing their relationship and intimacy skills.”
    4. Hand them a Boundaries Sensitivity Training Program business card from the desk drawer.
    There is a document and /or business cards describing the Boundaries Sensitivity Training Program in the desk drawer at the Campbell office. The document / business
    card will have the link to the web page where they can register for the class.

  • Violations of the Client Integrity Agreement

    If a client asks for sex, that is a violation of our Client Integrity Agreement. If you report that a client asked you for sex — and that you would not see them again — we immediately ban that client from booking another appointment with anyone on the website.

    Over the last 8 years, we have banned only 5% of clients who have booked an appointment. Most of those banned clients were not banned for a physical boundary violation.

    No Background Checks

    We do not perform background checks on new clients. Neither do massage therapists or psychotherapists or Reiki practitioners, physical therapists or other health practitioners. We do not plan on running background checks on clients.

    Prospective Client Screening — Same-Day Appointments

    Same-Day Appointments with new clients can be challenging because the client may be looking for a quick fix for their feelings. Prospective clients may book an appointment making hopeful assumptions without reading the information on the website ( note: to book an appointment a client must confirm in the booking form that they have read, understood and can happily agree with our Client Integrity Agreement ) or NOT believing us when we say that our work is clothes-on and non-sexual.

    On the phone or in text exchanges with prospective clients, all we can do is give them the information they need to understand our services and help them make a good decision for themselves. We can’t mind-read a client’s intention in booking an appointment. We cannot protect you from clients who book an appointment either confused about our services or with the intention of testing your boundaries. HOWEVER, we do our very best to educate clients about the nature of our work and redirect those who we think want services we do not offer.

    Additionally and importantly, we insist that you have a pre-appointment phone call ( aka the initial or “get to know you” phone call ) with all new clients to further educate the client and vet them for yourself. If, in this pre-appointment phone call or text exchanges, you discover that a client with an existing appointment has misunderstood our services and wants to breach the Client Integrity Agreement — all you need to do is let me know. We will cancel the appointment and refund the deposit.

    Prospective Client Screening — Advance-Booked Appointments

    We do not have a pre-booking phone call with every single new client who books an advance notice appointment on your website profile. Our website offers the opportunity to for clients to book anytime without calling us first. However, the majority of clients do call or text before they book. In that phone call or lengthy text exchanges, we make it absolutely clear that nurture therapy is not code for sex work. We always say that our work is clothes-on and non-sexual. Further, if a prospective client gives us ANY reason to suspect that he or she is actually looking for sex — we make it utterly clear to them — that this work is not even remotely sexual. There have been many times that we have told a prospective client that seeing a sex worker would be more appropriate for them — and that our services would be inappropriate. We have no hesitation to redirect prospective clients elsewhere who we think are looking for services we do not offer.

  • What if I want to book a Snuggle Salon client directly ( outside of Snuggle Salon )?
  • If you work as a nurture therapist outside of your work as a Snuggle Partner ( for example through Cuddle Comfort or Cuddlist, etc. ) and schedule an appointment with a Snuggle Salon client who first booked you through the Snuggle Salon website, thereby bypassing booking with the client via the Snuggle Salon website, this would be a breach of your Snuggle Partner Integrity Agreement and grounds for immediate dismissal as a Snuggle Partner.

    Also, please see Section 9. MAINTENANCE OF PROFESSIONAL THERAPEUTIC BOUNDARIES of the Snuggle Partner Integrity Agreement. This section outlines the professional boundaries we observe as nurture therapists: “In service of our role as professional nurture therapists, we have a duty to maintain the strict boundaries observed by other types of therapists including psychiatrists and psychotherapists. This professional distance includes not engaging in other types of relationships with our clients. Other types of relationships would include: friendships, romantic attachments or any other type of business relationship. We would not want to “blur the lines” between nurture therapist and any other type of relationship with our clients. Therefore you agree that you will not engage in any other type of relationship with a client other than your role as their nurture therapist.”

  • What happens during a snuggle session?
  • A snuggle session ( also known as nurture therapy ) consists of first making sure you and your client are on the same page about the rules outlined in the Client Integrity Agreement. After that, what happens is up to you and your client. You can offer the kind of touch and human affection that you would enjoy – this may include snuggling, spooning, cradling, nuzzling, etc. You can suggest different cuddle positions. You should be familiar with the cuddle poses in The Cuddle Sutra. You can offer to be your client’s “Snuggle Guide” and show him all your favorite snuggle poses. You can also ask for specific snuggle poses that you think you would enjoy.

    The following should be understood, but just to be clear, the services that we provide at Snuggle Salon are done under the following guidelines:

    1. A client may ask for any type of physical affection except sex, nudity or touching off limits parts of the body as outlined in the Client Integrity Agreement.
    2. After a client makes a request, you are free to say yes or no to the request.
    3. The services we provide at Snuggle Salon MUST be enjoyable to BOTH parties – both the client AND the Snuggle Partner.

    The reason for these guidelines is simple: This is how real life works. Snuggle Salon is designed as a laboratory where human beings can practice asking for what they want and saying yes to only things they would actually enjoy.

  • “At client’s location” travel costs
  • Mileage Costs

    Travel costs are charged at 75¢ per mile round-trip. You will let the client know via email, prior to the session, if additional travel costs will be involved and how much costs these will be. Using Google Maps, you should calculate the exact distance in miles from your location/home to the client’s location. Then, in the email, calculate the details of these the travel costs. Multiply ROUNDTRIP MILES x .75 = $X.00. This amount SHOULD be paid on the Travel Expenses page prior to the start of the session. Please help your client understand these travel expenses and how to use the Travel Expenses page to pay for these costs. If they are not paid using Pay Pal you will have to collect these costs from the client, in cash, prior to start of the session.

    Session Length for “at client’s location” appointments

    Additionally, we require the session length for “at client’s location” sessions to be twice the length of the travel time required. So, if it takes an hour of travel time, then the session length should be at least 2 hours or longer. Please communicate this requirement when your client contact’s you for a booking request. If your client has already booked a session with you, using the Rigid Scheduling System, and the session booked does not meet this requirement — you can ask the client to pay for extra appointment time using the Travel Expenses page link. This link can be used to BOTH pay for mileage and additional hours required by the session length to be twice the travel time for an “at client’s location” appointment.

  • How much freedom will I have in choosing who I work with?
  • The answer here is multi-layered. Our intention is to hire people who can easily and confidently share themselves physically and emotionally with just about anyone — within the following framework:

    • non-sexually and without an intention for romance
    • without discrimination around things like looks, age, gender, weight, height, race, etc.
    • using the boundaries outlined in the Snuggle Partner Integrity Statement
    • while honoring a Snuggle Partner’s own personal physical and emotional boundaries

    After we have found that ideal candidate described above – we intend to give them the freedom to use their own discretion around with whom they take appointments.

    I never want the Snuggle Partners to snuggle with people who they are uncomfortable with – like someone who is intoxicated or who has not followed the rules about being hygienically savvy in the Client Integrity Agreement.

  • What if a client asks for an appointment with me for a massage?
  • If you are a CMT massage therapist, who has a current massage practice prior to working for Snuggle Salon, and you want to offer a private massage appointment directly to a Snuggle Salon client, I would ask you not to compete with Snuggle Salon by keeping the massage an ACTUAL massage — not a snuggle mixed with some massage and calling that a “massage”.

    So, a strict massage is defined in this way:

    1. The client takes off their clothing.
    2. Your clothing stays on.
    3. The client is on a massage table.
    4. The client does not touch you with any part of their body.
    5. You touch the client with only your hands, forearms and elbows.

    Notice how different a massage is from snuggling? I think we can have a win-win here if we keep this strict distinction between what snuggling is versus what a massage is – unless Snuggle Salon starts offering actual massage. I will keep you apprised.